Wild Edible Plants



Agretti is an edible plant native to the coastal regions of the Mediterranean. It is a hardy plant, which makes it perfect for growing in saline soils and under arid conditions, making it particularly suitable to coastal and dryland environments. Historically, agretti has been an important crop in Mediterranean agriculture for its ability to grow in poor soils and its resistance to drought. Historically, this plant was a very significant source of soda ash since people used to obtain the ashes from Salsola soda. The plant is no longer cultivated for use of its soda ash but rather it is farmed as a vegetable. Agretti have been prominent in Mediterranean cuisine for several hundred years thanks to their crispy, succulent texture and slightly tangy flavor. Agretti is used in a range of dishes– from salads to sautés– because it imparts a particular flavor to each recipe.


Aterraterra Lab, Palermo (Italy) ︎︎︎
Tlayolan, Berlin (Germany) ︎︎︎
Wolves Lane Centre, London (United Kingdom) ︎︎︎