Wild Edible Plants

Common Golden Thistle


Golden thistle, is a vigorous thorny herbaceous plant noted for its tolerance to heat and drought. It is a native Mediterranean biennial or perennial that grows well in sandy dry soils, hence particularly suitable for low-water availability environments. The golden thistle represents a deeply cultural significance, particularly in the Mediterranean region, where its consumption has been traced to many centuries ago. The tender inner parts of young, spiny stems are a delicacy that can be eaten raw or cooked in various traditional recipes.


Aterraterra Lab, Palermo (Italy) ︎︎︎
Eixarcolant, Barcelona (Spain) ︎︎︎
Postane, Istanbul (Turkey) ︎︎︎
Spore initiative, Berlin (Germany) ︎︎︎
Tlayolan, Berlin (Germany) ︎︎︎
Wolves Lane Centre, London (United Kingdom) ︎︎︎