Wild Edible Plants

Common Sowthistle


Common sow thistle is native to Europe and Asia but has become widespread in many other parts of the world. It is originally found in temperate and subtropical regions where it thrives in various habitats – gardens, roadsides and disturbed areas. Sow thistle is valued for its ecological role as a pioneer species in disturbed soils and its potential benefits in sustainable gardening practices. The edible leaves have many uses in culinary preparations. The mild, bitter flavor is reminiscent of chicories so it is perfect for salads, soups, cooked greens or as a substitute for spinach. Sow thistle is also employed in traditional remedies because the composition of the plant is rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron.


Aterraterra Lab, Palermo (Italy) ︎︎︎